Colourful cupcakes

My sister has become quite talented at making cupcakes, all she needs is to be told what colours you want them in. These bright and colourful cupcakes were made for a henna party recently.


cake 2

And the best thing is not only do they look great they taste delicious too

Tree and steeple


This photo is of the church St Martin of the Fields near Trafalger Square. I like the contrast of the light and dark colours of the tree and building against one another and the great sense of height that you get. But best of all I think I like the bright blue sky as the backdrop.

Gem collection


Gem collection
This precious gem collection isn’t mine (unfortunatley) but is housed at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. I love the way the stones have been arranged in colour order and seem to be located in a dark secret place, which they kind of are as you’re not allowed to take pictures but I was being a bit sneaky (and before you ask, yes I got told off and had to put my camera away afterwards)

Each Peach, Pear Plum

A short time ago I posted a blog about cherries that we had from our neighbours’ garden this summer and I mentioned that we had a couple of fruit trees in our garden too; a pear tree and a plum tree (sorry, no peaches, not in this country anyway). At the time the fruit was just beginning to grow and now after a long hot summer the fruit is finally ripe and ready to eat – well the plums at least anyway, the pears still need a little more time.

I thought I’d share a few photos of the fruit as they look so good. The plums we have are called Victoria



My sister’s father-in-law is visiting at the moment and was pleased to be able to pick the ones that were ripe. They were really soft and juicy and enjoyed all round


Our pear tree grows pears called Conference. The ones in our garden are almost ripe



I’d love to hear what others have in their gardens at this time of year